About Us
Alone you go fast - together we go far!

Charlie Hartmann

Rachael Hammond

Cristina Quesado

Lina Petraviciute
Our story
The LivingIn Publishing House has been created to help the International Community “thrive” in their new home. Moving to a new country is so much more than packing up your belongings and learning a new language. It is about discovering and becoming a part of a new culture.
Our goal is to help every immigrant feel at home in Switzerland with the help of our publications.
“We provide all the information you need to settle in successfully and make the most of your time here, be it for a couple of years or decades.”
The LivingIn Association, has built strong relationships with key organisations in Lucerne, including the City of Lucerne, Business Lucerne and the Hochschule amongst others. We are recognised as a valuable resource and are the first port of call for newcomers to the region.
Our Books
Shed light onto the uniqueness of moving to and living not only in Switzerland but your specific canton. The book contains over 50 articles ranging from exploring the nitty gritty daily life details to the more fun and mundane topics of where to shop or understand the local culture.
Our Magazines
The magazines are a smaller version of our books, but with the advantage of being able to provide timely articles on current events and activities happening in the area. Additionally, we inform our readers of the Integration programmes/groups/classes from Job Intergration for Foreigners (JIFF), English classes for kids, German conversation groups, Mental Health initiatives, and support, to name just a few.